Emilyspeakman 10th May 2016

February 20th and 21st I believe will forever remain the worst days of my life and most of all your beautiful family's lives. This is our worst nightmare come true. Daniel, you have been one of the biggest parts of my life for many years, you helped me with everything from breakups to just carrying my heavy art to the car for me X I would like to thank Annette and James for raising such an amazing, sensitive, and passionate young man who is an absolute credit to the familyX. I will cherish our memories together and proudly tell the world just who Daniel Bailey is X The hardest part of losing you is feeling the brutal hurt your loss has left behind. Watching your family go through this pain is unbearable. Daniel, knowing I will never see that huge grin or hear you complain about Nigel farage is something I don't think I will ever come to terms with. Me, the squad and your family will undoubtably spend the rest of our lives missing you. One day I'll write something positive X love you with all my heart bubbles;) and thank you x